SATURDAY, 11/11/2023 | PAZO DA CORGA (A Pobra de Trives)
09:30 | Exhibition Presentation: Museums and Ethnographic Centers in Rural Ourense
CCP Xaquín Lorenzo: An Example of Recovery, Conservation, Dissemination, and Promotion of the Ethnographic Heritage of Ourense
Fcº Javier Álvarez Campos – Centro de Cultura Popular Xaquín Lorenzo, Deputación de Ourense, Spain.
10:00 | The Sword of Mouruás: Cultural Heritage, Digital Humanities, and Ancient Metal Craftsmanship between the Iberian Peninsula and the Rhine Legacies
Gerardo Vidal Gonçalves & Dina Borges Pereira | Associação de História e Arqueologia de Sabrosa, Portugal.
10:25 | Historical Maps, GIS, and Multidimensional Digitization of Water Anthropization in Alto Douro Vinhateiro
Gerardo Vidal Gonçalves & Dina Borges Pereira | Associação de História e Arqueologia de Sabrosa, Portugal.
10:50 | Archaeology and Heritage in Istria (Croatia)
Martina Barada | Associação de História e Arqueologia de Sabrosa, Portugal.
11:15 | Museology of Archives
Miguel Gómez García de Marina | Municipal Archive of Torralba de Calatrava, Spain.
11:40 | Archives for the Enhancement of Villages and Rural Development
Miguel García-Fernández & Ricardo Pichel | (University of Alcalá) Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento | Spanish National Research Council – Xunta de Galicia, Spain.
12:05 | Workshop on Digitization of Historical Documents: Open-Source Tools
Gerardo Vidal Gonçalves & Dina Borges Pereira | Associação de História e Arqueologia de Sabrosa, Portugal.
12:30 | Break and Coffee
13:00 | The Rescue and Revitalization of Grape Varieties in Mountain Vineyards
Technical Team of Adega A Corga, A Pobra de Trives, Spain.
13:30 | RIO: A Living Laboratory for Generating New Data, Tools, and Methods to Better Understand European Rurality
Maria Isabel Doval and Breixo Martíns | GRANULAR Project | University of Vigo, Spain.
14:30 | Natural Cosmetics in Mountain Rural Areas
Juan Carlos Pastor and Zaira Vidal | Piel Natura Project | San Xoán de Río, Spain.
17:00 | Manual Bell Ringing Workshop
José María Benítez | Bell Ringers Group of Extremadura, Spain.
Screening of the Video: UNESCO, World Heritage.
19:00 | Intangible Cultural Heritage: “Living the Galician Tradition of Magosto”
A Pobra de Trives