Between June 22nd and 24th, 2023, as part of the international week of LVIN #C (Learning Villages International Network), a project funded by the European Community and EACEA, the International Congress “Crisis Management in Rural Areas: Wildfires” took place. The event was held in San Xoan de Rio, A Proba de Trives, and Manzaneda, in Ourense, Galicia, Spain.
The event gathered approximately 50 to 60 participants, including speakers, local administrative bodies, universities, schools, visitors, and audience members, who not only attended the conferences but also engaged in various activities for sharing experiences, regional dynamics, problems, solutions, and collaborative work.
The congress featured a range of specialists and included fieldwork such as visits to the Pumbariños Chestnut Grove, the Village of Mouruás, and the “Bodega a Corga”. Overall, it was a highly productive gathering that facilitated contact with the local community and involved them in various activities, particularly focusing on the dynamics of wildfire issues and rural life.
Thursday, June 22, 2023
12:00 Arrival at “A Proba de Trives”
12:30 Bibei Bridge
13:00 Visit to “Bodega a Corga”
15:30 Sessions with local producers
15:45 Lito Prado (Amarelante Cooperative;;
16:00 Adrián Hervella (Hervella Charcuterie;;
16:45 Lúcia (Miel Sabor da Serra;;
17:30 Marta (Conxenia;
18:30 Visit to Bancales da Ribeira Sacra
19:30 Guided Tour of A Proba de Trives
Friday, June 23, 2023
International Congress “Crisis Management in Rural Areas: Wildfires”
11:30 Coffee Break
Miguel Pardellas
14:00 Lunch at “Hostal la Viuda”
16:15 Marco Riveira
Carlos Aguiar
18:30 Visit to Shiitake Trives
20:00 Dinner in San Xoan de Rio
21:00 Celebration of the Popular Festival of San Xoan de Rio
Saturday, June 24, 2023
10:00 Juan Carlos Perez (CEO): conference “from old papers to digital humanities: the (unfinished) history of San Xoan de Rio”
11:00 Juan Carlos Pérez (CEO) Aldealista: app for rural towns;
12:00 Route of “A Fraga – Mouruás”: the sword of Mouruás
14:30 Lunch in San Xoan de Rio
15:30 Closure of the Congress “Crisis Management in Rural Areas: Wildfires” and the LVIN International Week #C